AASDN Certified “Nutrition Manager”
I have attained the title “Nutrition manager” with the American Academy of Sports Dietitians and Nutritionists. I also have a Bachelor’s degree from Illinois State University in Exercise Science with a minor in Nutrition. In addition, I was a competitive bodybuilder and fitness model for many years and have extensive experience in helping to control ones body fat to muscle ratio.
Proper nutrition, food combinations and nutrient timing are key to any physical fitness training program. If you cannot figure out why the last 5 lbs won’t disappear despite all the cardio you do, or your body building efforts are not getting you the toning or muscle bulk you desire… It is all tied to what you eat and how you eat it.
When people start working out with a personal trainer or a new exercise routine 1 of 2 things will happen.
1. They have no idea what to change in their diet to compensate for their new nutritional needs and do nothing.
2. They over-compensate and cut everything out of their diet because they don’t understand their bodies nutritional needs and requirements when exercising regularly. Both issues are from a direct lack of education. Most people are surprised at what and how much you can eat and see incredible results. I can provide the following nutritional guidance that most north county Personal Trainers cannot.
Benefits of an AASDN Certified “Nutrition Manager”
1) As a Certified AASDN Nutrition manager, I Have access to tools to calculate where you are at currently with your diet and what you need to reach your goals:
2) Create Client Profiles with foods and before and after pictures. Nothing will show you the progress you have made like a picture. Seeing how far you have advanced is a powerful motivational tool to keep you focused on your goals.
3) It is not legal for a personal trainer to write diets unless they have a Registered Dietetics license or work under one. I Work alongside with a registered dietitian. Doing this allows me to provide a nutritional services at a much lower rate than an actual Registered Dietician to ensure the very best in nutritional care for you.
4) Caloric and Energy nutrient analysis. This is done to determine your exact nutritional needs and requirements to properly fuel your body.
5) Flag nutrient deficiencies. Once I determine what your diet is lacking I can recommend foods and supplements to fill in the area’s you’re needing help with.
6) Micronutrient analysis. These are nutrients that your body needs in small amounts, but due to poor diet we often are deficient. In addition, a person can be getting too much of certain nutrients as well which can also cause an imbalance.
7) Custom Menu plans. Once I have completed my analysis of your current diet as well as your nutritional needs to reach your goal in a healthy and safe way, I will create a custom plan based on your unique needs.
8) Work alongside a Registered Dietician (RD) to comply with all state and federal guidelines. The AASDN / R.D. oversee’s all meal plans I write up and approves them for each individual.