Over the past year, many of us have experienced unwanted weight gain due to the Covid-19 virus. Stuck inside with family and the refrigerator for 6 months tends to do that. Fear not, help is on the way.
There are many reasons we fail to lose the weight or struggle losing the last few pounds. It’s important to keep this popular phrase in mind, made popular by the late Jack Lalane. “Exercise is king and diet is queen, together they make a kingdom”. This is true for overall health and longevity, however when it comes to weight loss, diet is king!
In the video I will breakdown the following:
My key points to losing those unwanted Covid pounds.
1) Have a plan.
a- Calories.
b- Goal date and sub goal dates.
c- Type of diet- Keto, intermittent fasting or classic bodybuilding, vegan etc.
D- Workout program established.
2) Psychology of weight loss:
a- Build on Success.
b- Don’t harp on failures.
c- Know your weaknesses.
d- Know your goals and keep a constant reminder of them near.
3) Preparation: (Biggest reason people fail is not doing this)
a- Prepare your meals for three days minimum.
b- Be ready in situations that may be challenging food wise.
c- Stay away from triggers that make you “think” your hungry.
Every well-rounded program also has an important nutritional element. That’s why I also offer a nutritional guidance plan for beginners or intermediate fitness enthusiasts, that only costs $20.00. Go to the following link to learn more: Nutrition plan purchase